High Cost of Metal
Roping horse beginning cutting training in 2021
Trips Ms Dynamite
Offspring earnings -$12,039 NCHA, Candian Supreme Open Cutting Reserve World Champion
HK High Dollar Sioux
AQHA 6180557 * 6 panel N/N (includes IMM)
pictures taken 3/2/25
HK Shineomite Sioux
On top, this foal is by High Cost of Metal. Competitive in team roping as heeler but not shown on the national stage. Began cutting training in 2021. High Cost of Metal is by Metallic Cat (2005). $637,711: NCHA Horse of the Year. A 2020 & 2021 QData #1 Leading Sire of Cutting Money-Earners; 2020 & 2021 AQHA #1 Leading Sire of Ranch Horse Point-Earners; QData #2 All-Time Leading Sire of RCH Money-Earners. Sire of 1,611 money-earners, $44,684,428, and earners of 5,714 AQHA points, including HASHTAGS ($485,293: NCHA World Champion, NCHA Hall of Fame), CATILLAC REYS ($458,576: NCHA Non-Pro Co-World Champion twice), METALLIC REBEL ($438,315: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame), METELES CAT ($437,016: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse twice; NCHA Hall of Fame). Metallic Cat is by High Brow Cat (1988). $110,800: Augusta Open Classic Champion. QData #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting Money-Earners. Sire of 1,954 money-earners, $87,078,935, and earners of 10,794 AQHA points, including DONT LOOK TWICE ($843,096: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame), LITTLE PEPTO CAT ($661,291: NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic Reserve Champion, NCHA Hall of Fame), METALLIC CAT ($637,711: NCHA Horse of the Year, NCHA Hall of Fame).
High Cost of Metal is by Dualling for Dollars who has NCHA earnings of $7,143. Other great horses on the topside of this foals pedigree include: Dual Pep LTE $313,192, #5 All-Time Leading Sire
#5 All-Time Maternal Sire, #5 All Time Leading Paternal Sire, Over $25.8 Million in Offspring Earnings; Shorty Lena ROM Performance, PE $9.5 MILLION +c, NCHA COA, 1982 NCHA 5yo Classic non pro semi finalist, Winner 1982 San Antonio stock open NCHA championship, AQHA ROM in cutting.
This foal is out of HK Shineomite Sioux. Fully broke and lightly shown in SHOT and Ranch classes. She was purchased from Carol Rose. Sue's sire is A Shiner Named Sioux who has $163,934 in earnings, is an AQHA World Champion Jr Working Cow Horse, AQHA World Champion Jr Reining Horse, and an NRHA Intermediate Open Derby Champion. His oldest foals were born in 2011 and have earned $184,046 and counting. A Shiner Named Sioux is by Shining Spark ($62,674 NRHA, NRHA Open Derby Champion, AQHA World Champion Junior Reining horse, NRHA's youngest 2 million dollar sire, AQHA #3 Leading Sire of Open Performance ROMs, 2011 NRHA Hall of Fame; NRCHA #1 All-Time Leading Sire; NRCHA's first three million dollar sire; and the NRHA #4 all-Time Leading Sire, siring earners of $10 Million and 34,000 points. A Shiner Named SIoux is out of Docs Sulena who is an NRCHA Top 12 all Time Leading Producer with offspring earnings of $405,763.
Sue's dam is Trips Ms Dynamite. Dynamite is the dam of 1 recorded performer, Dynamite Ms Starlite (by Paddys Irish Whiskey) eaner of $12,039 and a Canadian Supreme Open Cutting Futurity Reserve Champion.
A Shiner Named Sioux
AQHA World Ch Jr Working Cow
AQHA World Ch Jr Reining
NRHA Int. Open Derby Champion $154,971
Offspring earnings of $242,579 as of 2017. #5 Equistat leading Junior Reined Cow Horse Sire
Brian and Samantha Keadle
George West, Texas
(361) 449-6448 * (361) 449-0445
We would like to add some Metallic Cat into our herd. We will decide on whether to keep or sell this filly after we watch her develop.
High Cost of Metal
HK Shineomite Sioux
lightly shown
Dualling for Dollars
NCHA $7,143
Metallic Cat
NCHA $637,711, NCHA Hall of Fame, Second Highest earning NCHA horse of all time.
2008 NCHA Futurity Open Champion, 2009 Horse of the Year,
Offspring have earned over $33 million and counting
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